Amount raised for Amazon Medical Missions so far: $690.00
This week ended with a training mark of 6 miles. I ran the 6 miles today, and it couldn't have been a more beautiful run, as well as it held a few surprises (the biggest one being I actually ran 6 whole miles).
I went to where I usually go for my long runs, but this time I ran the opposite way than what I usually do. I couldn't get over the beauty I'd been missing running in this direction. The light was more beautiful, the angles on the lake and with the cedars were more picturesque, and it made for a more joyful run.
Y'all, my body just ran 6 miles. (Let me clear my throat, now). My body just ran 6 miles. Without stopping.
This would have been impossible not too long ago. I hadn't eaten lunch either when I started running at 6:00pm. I've learned I run better on an empty stomach, so I lightly snack the meal before big run day and then load up after the run on carbs and protein. So that whole skipping a meal thing, too, before my healing, would have been impossible.
"There was no medicine and there was no doctor."
I was healed by God y'all. I don't know how. I imagined today as I ran Lap 4 that perhaps He just spoke the Word. And my body was released from a sickness that bound me for ten years. Now, it runs free. And as a nurse who looks out at sick people all day looking for a miracle, I'm not sure why I'm one of the lucky ones.
To say I wasn't much excited about lapping the same course six times today is a bit of an understatement. I was not at all excited about lapping the same course 6 times today. But when I got there, and that light and that lake were just so beautiful, something in me got a little stronger. And then while I was running, I looked down, and something really surprising had occurred.
Today someone had written in chalk the following words along the paved path I run on Sundays:
"6." (the number of miles I had to run today).
"Don't Give Up."
"Act Silly."
Nope. I'm not even kidding. I figured out it appeared to all be for some scavenger hunt that had taken place there, but it blessed this girl's socks off.
So, with those words, the light, and the awe-inspiring nature coupled with the awe-inspiring miracle called my body, I ran those 6 miles with some glory today, friends. I wish you could have been there. After Mile 4, I could just feel Jesus get excited and celebrate with me. He knew I pushed farther today than I ever have, and He wanted to glorify the Father just as much as I did.
6 Miles.
In a healed and whole body.
7 more to go...
Praise God I have a healed and whole body. I want everyone to know---
My God Lives!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Why In The Heck Am I Running 13 Miles?

This is Mike and Susie.
Ever come home to watch the news, feel yourself growing with anxiety because the world seems like it's going to pot, and then wondered what in the world you could ever do about it- only to then resign yourself to kick your feet up on your recliner with some bon bons in utter defeat? (or maybe that's just me). Well, here's something you can do. I've gone to Peru, I've seen the work, and your giving will make a difference and will rescue people who desperately need rescuing. So, keep reading...
Mike and Susie are the founders of Amazon Medical Missions located in Peru. They met and married and several years later felt the call of God to sell everything, move to another country, and tell the people living in remote villages along the Amazon River about how God cares for and loves them mightily.
Having been to Peru for the last two years and serving alongside Mike and Suzy, I can tell you they are the real thing. They have sold out, bearing the cost of such work physically, mentally, and spiritually, but have triumphantly led many, many people to faith in Jesus and have promoted better lives for thousands of people.
Oftentimes, when back at the boat after a day of working in the villages, I glimpse Mike and Susie as they dine with us or sit and tell stories with us. And my heart safely knows they are people who have sacrificed it all for the sake of others.
"This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. " John 15:13
For the last two years I’ve been trying to figure out a way to bless Mike and Susie. When God healed my body after a ten year long struggle with hypoglycemia, I wanted to thank Him and glorify Him by doing something with my body it could never do before and thereby bless the work in the Amazon. That is why I will run the Dallas Half Marathon come this December.
I wrote Susie recently and asked her if she had any prayer requests. She responded back with this one:
"For Christian teachers to come teach in our school to our around 65 students next year." Mike and Susie have built a school where they are living in Peru to serve the little children there.
Susie also tells me this week,
“We are rebuilding the pueblo of Monte Calvario (Mt. Calvary) giving all families there a new home. We still have a ways to go, but would like to see that project completed with a couple more building teams at the beginning of the year.”
This is one thing your giving will impact. You can see a photo below further down this blogsite of the homes along the Amazon and imagine that the need for a new home is substantial and absolute as time goes by. Our homes in America endure for decades. These people work tirelessly to reconstruct new roofs for their homes every several months and the structures of their homes is not such to last very long. It takes workers and muscles, but finances as well for supplies.
I asked Susie to write you a letter after I wrote her about what I was doing. Here is her reply:
“A note from Mike and Susie Dempsey, founding directors of Amazon Medical Missions.
When we left the States to live probably the rest of our lives in the Amazon jungle of Peru, we had to trust the Lord for everything, especially to bring us helpers. We have been amazed ever since at the variety of ways that help has materialized.
Take Beth, for instance. She had struggled a long time with hypoglycemia, (low blood sugar), and the Lord finally set her free of that disease. The first thing she wants to do is to show her appreciation to Him by helping other people who are suffering in the Amazon with many debilitating sicknesses and disease by giving financially through Amazon Medical Missions. When God gives such great gifts so freely, people just want to give, too.
It is our most sincere prayer that you will honor Beth’s difficult labor of love in training her body, mind, will, emotions... the essence of who she is, to accept the challenge of running the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon this coming December. You all know that this is not going to be easy for her, but she has her mind made up and her heart set to do the deed and I believe that she will do a great work for the Lord through this.
We pray that by this unselfish act of Christian love displayed by Beth, you, too, will be challenged to look for a work God is doing somewhere in the world, even in these dark days of uncertainty for our nation, and make the decision to serve Him in some creative way just as Beth has done.”
I would like you all to pray for this mission which will be completed December 14, 2008. I would like you to ask God if you are to be a part of it by giving financially. I have raised $690.00 so far, but this was donated by two people. A certain doctor who has given of his life for years to go to the Amazon, teach, serve, and treat countless patients gave a big chunk of the above amount. I couldn’t believe when I received his donation. To think of how much of his life he has given, I was amazed he’d also give so much of his checkbook. I am inspired by him.
If you feel led to give, there is a little diddy on the top right hand side of this blog page detailing how you can give. Basically you can pledge any dollar amount you wish per mile I am running- 13 total. Even if it's just $1 per mile. Whatever you feel led to do. You can also e-mail me at with any questions.
Please help me bless our friends living along the River. You can see them below in some photos to catch a glimpse of their majesty. These fellow brothers and sisters, moms, and dads may be poor currently. But with your funds enabling Mike and Susie to do more work, they will come to know Jesus and find hope that they will be future rulers in heaven. Won’t you help me? (okay, now I feel like one of those horrible “Feed the Children” commercials- yes, I did. But that’s how much I love the beautiful Amazonians. With all my heart). I’d love to share in this with you. Because it's really not about a race or me or running. It's about furthering God's work in a place where souls desperately need freedom, mercy, and life abundant!
And keep me in your prayers- I’m busy running every day. And most of all, I am blessed to have a body that is ABLE!
To Him be the Glory!
**For Mike and Susie- Isaiah 53:11-12:
"After the suffering of his soul,
he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors."
Monday, October 13, 2008
Week 3: Training Complete
Amount raised so far for Amazon Medical Missions: $690.00 Please see the little diddy to the right of this page for info on how you can give.
When God first healed me of hypoglycemia, I first had a hard time believing it had actually happened. I prayed to Him for confirmation of the healing. Then I heard the song within my spirit that goes something like this: "Sing a new song unto our God/ A hymn of praise unto our Lord/ Many will see and hear and put their trust in the Lord."
At work last week, my patient, Mr. B. and I got into a discussion about exercise. He started asking me about my own exercising habits, and I shared with him about my half marathon training. As he wanted to know why I was running a half marathon, I got to tell him all about my former sickness, God's healing of it, and now my desire to run for the people of the Amazon. He listened and tried to refute my story by asking me, "wasn't there some kind of medicine you took or doctor you saw to get better from your hypo---, hypo--, what was it?"
"No, sir. I took no medicine and there was no doctor in Tijuana. I was healed of hypoglycemia, something I'd struggled with for years by God alone. There is no other explanation." You can't refute the truth when faced with it. This man didn't care much for God, but after my story, he made some comments that led me to believe I left him wondering about this God after all.
This week I took a bad spill at work and fell on my back. It wasn't so good. I was hurting pretty badly after the incident. The night before I fell, though, I had a dream while sleeping. I dreamt that I was in a car with Dr. Bob, the doctor I go to the Amazon with. I had dropped he and his wife off at some store and then was left in the car alone to go park it. As I looked out at the parking lot, I had the sudden realization I was somewhere seedy. Somewhere evil. I went to lock my doors, but two men jumped into my car, one in the front seat, one in the back. I knew they were bent on evil towards me. I remembered in my dream the words of Isaiah 54, and I began to speak Scripture at them. The man in the back seat fled the car. The man up front stayed for awhile, but after repeating the same scripture to him over and over he eventually fled.
When I hurt my back this week, I suddenly grew fearful of how it might affect my run. Then I thought about having a healed body and desiring to use it for a purpose for God. I realized He wouldn't heal me of one illness to have a testimony for others, just to leave me suffering with a permanent back injury.
So I hopped on the treadmill that night, sore and hurting, but speaking scriptures about healing and thanking Jesus he was taking care of my back.
Today, my back doesn't hurt anymore. I've gotten to share with some other people about my run and the Amazon. And I had a triumphant week of running this week. I'm up to five miles for the training and so thankful to God that this new body of mine is able.
This run, friends, it is a testimony. Many will see and hear and put their trust in the Lord.
Please keep me in your prayers.
And help me in supporting the people of the Amazon. I'm doing the running, now I need all of you to flex your checkbooks and give, give, give! (Shameless, I know, but it's fun asking for money when you're not asking for yourself!!)
I'll have a post up in the next few days hopefully about Mike and Suzy.
Stay tuned.....
When God first healed me of hypoglycemia, I first had a hard time believing it had actually happened. I prayed to Him for confirmation of the healing. Then I heard the song within my spirit that goes something like this: "Sing a new song unto our God/ A hymn of praise unto our Lord/ Many will see and hear and put their trust in the Lord."
At work last week, my patient, Mr. B. and I got into a discussion about exercise. He started asking me about my own exercising habits, and I shared with him about my half marathon training. As he wanted to know why I was running a half marathon, I got to tell him all about my former sickness, God's healing of it, and now my desire to run for the people of the Amazon. He listened and tried to refute my story by asking me, "wasn't there some kind of medicine you took or doctor you saw to get better from your hypo---, hypo--, what was it?"
"No, sir. I took no medicine and there was no doctor in Tijuana. I was healed of hypoglycemia, something I'd struggled with for years by God alone. There is no other explanation." You can't refute the truth when faced with it. This man didn't care much for God, but after my story, he made some comments that led me to believe I left him wondering about this God after all.
This week I took a bad spill at work and fell on my back. It wasn't so good. I was hurting pretty badly after the incident. The night before I fell, though, I had a dream while sleeping. I dreamt that I was in a car with Dr. Bob, the doctor I go to the Amazon with. I had dropped he and his wife off at some store and then was left in the car alone to go park it. As I looked out at the parking lot, I had the sudden realization I was somewhere seedy. Somewhere evil. I went to lock my doors, but two men jumped into my car, one in the front seat, one in the back. I knew they were bent on evil towards me. I remembered in my dream the words of Isaiah 54, and I began to speak Scripture at them. The man in the back seat fled the car. The man up front stayed for awhile, but after repeating the same scripture to him over and over he eventually fled.
When I hurt my back this week, I suddenly grew fearful of how it might affect my run. Then I thought about having a healed body and desiring to use it for a purpose for God. I realized He wouldn't heal me of one illness to have a testimony for others, just to leave me suffering with a permanent back injury.
So I hopped on the treadmill that night, sore and hurting, but speaking scriptures about healing and thanking Jesus he was taking care of my back.
Today, my back doesn't hurt anymore. I've gotten to share with some other people about my run and the Amazon. And I had a triumphant week of running this week. I'm up to five miles for the training and so thankful to God that this new body of mine is able.
This run, friends, it is a testimony. Many will see and hear and put their trust in the Lord.
Please keep me in your prayers.
And help me in supporting the people of the Amazon. I'm doing the running, now I need all of you to flex your checkbooks and give, give, give! (Shameless, I know, but it's fun asking for money when you're not asking for yourself!!)
I'll have a post up in the next few days hopefully about Mike and Suzy.
Stay tuned.....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Images from the Amazon
This is my lovely Amazonian-styled self :), with Dr. Bob, and Michael from my 2007 team
A jungle woman who proudly showed off her jungle kitchen. Dissatisfied with your kitchen and thinking of a remodel? Imagine cooking here!
This is what a church building in the jungle looks like.
Praying with some kiddos in one village to receive Jesus into their hearts.
Enjoying an afternoon together.
Some children in the one room schoolhouse of their pueblo
Hanging out by the river
This is the boat I embark on each year and stay on while we work each day in the villages. This is our housing for the week when we travel to Peru- it's one of my favorite places!
The jungle along the Amazon
Jungle life
Training Week 2: Complete
Amount raised so far for Amazon Medical Missions: 690$. Directions are over on the top right side of this blog if you want to give!
Sunday completed week 2 of training. After a week with just a few challenges, the training was a tad more difficult, but with God's help, another week of training is done!
Yesterday on my long run day, my body felt nauseated, and I wasn't breathing as well as normal. It just wasn't a peak running day. By the fourth mile, I was struggling and ready to be finished. Suddenly, three little boys filled the path riding bikes and trikes and enjoying the park. One of the three little guys sailed in front of my on his trike and rode right in front of me for a while for a little stretch. As I looked at him riding in front of me, he had a green little t-shirt on, tattered blue jean shorts, and a head full of black hair. He had mocha colored skin and was riding barefoot.
He was a visual reminder to me in that moment of why I'm running. When I was in the middle of a moment where I thought I couldn't run anymore, I was reminded of the little children of the Amazon River. I thought about how your donations will go to work for them to help them have a better life.
That's why I'm running.
And it's why I need your help. The amount of money raised so far has been given by two very generous people. It's a large amount, but just given by two. Think of if all of you donated what little you can, how that amount would grow. Here are some pictures from my times in the Amazon so you, too, can see why I'm running and what your giving will go towards:

This is what it's all about! And each and every time I run, I am reminded that I am running in a healed and whole body! It's a miracle, and I'm so happy to use my new vessel to bring glory to Him and aid to His people in Peru! Keep up with me on this journey, I know God's going to continue to do great things!!!
Sunday completed week 2 of training. After a week with just a few challenges, the training was a tad more difficult, but with God's help, another week of training is done!
Yesterday on my long run day, my body felt nauseated, and I wasn't breathing as well as normal. It just wasn't a peak running day. By the fourth mile, I was struggling and ready to be finished. Suddenly, three little boys filled the path riding bikes and trikes and enjoying the park. One of the three little guys sailed in front of my on his trike and rode right in front of me for a while for a little stretch. As I looked at him riding in front of me, he had a green little t-shirt on, tattered blue jean shorts, and a head full of black hair. He had mocha colored skin and was riding barefoot.
He was a visual reminder to me in that moment of why I'm running. When I was in the middle of a moment where I thought I couldn't run anymore, I was reminded of the little children of the Amazon River. I thought about how your donations will go to work for them to help them have a better life.
That's why I'm running.
And it's why I need your help. The amount of money raised so far has been given by two very generous people. It's a large amount, but just given by two. Think of if all of you donated what little you can, how that amount would grow. Here are some pictures from my times in the Amazon so you, too, can see why I'm running and what your giving will go towards:
This is what it's all about! And each and every time I run, I am reminded that I am running in a healed and whole body! It's a miracle, and I'm so happy to use my new vessel to bring glory to Him and aid to His people in Peru! Keep up with me on this journey, I know God's going to continue to do great things!!!
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