These are two of my friends from the Amazon. Christian is on the right. He's a native Peruvian who works with Mike and Susie while going to college. He is one of our vital translators that bridges the gap between us and our Peruvian friends along the jungle. There are a few more translators like Christian, and often they have to quit pursuing their college education for extended times to work and raise money to continue their studies. When I learned how much it cost for them to go to college, my mouth almost dropped wide open. It costs next to nothing compared to our schooling here in the States, so these young men sacrifice and work very hard for Amazon Medical Missions to raise the funds necessary to get an education. They always amaze me with the bucketloads of patience they possess. It's no small thing to translage for an entire team of Americans and an entire village all day long. They are always ready and patient and able, though. They might be some of my heroes.
Phillip is in the picture above on the left. He's an American from Michigan who started out going to the Amazon much like me. On short term mission trips. Then God just captured his heart for the jungle and he chucked his full time nursing career here in the States and sold out to travel to the jungle, live there full time, and be an important part of Mike and Susie's team. Phillip is a natural servant. So naturally a servant, that you often wouldn't notice all he does behind the scenes. He might also be one of my heroes.
These are just two people who make up an amazing group for the work going on in the jungle. Maybe you should come along with me sometime to the jungle and meet them too :).
Today I ran 8 miles. 8 miles! I tell you, I'm not sure how people who don't know Jesus push themselves to these extremes. Because I will raise my hand and say I needed Him to run those 8 miles today- very much. I couldn't have done it on my own strength.
So here's the thing. 8 miles is the longest I've run so far. Usually on Sundays, my long run days, I rest up. I get a good night's sleep, go to church, eat a light lunch, and then come home and sleep again until I go run. Today, though, I just felt sluggish. I really didn't want to get up y'all, and go run those 8 miles. It's turned a bit cold here and the idea of staying in my bed just sounded better. In fact, I could think of about 5000 things to do that sounded better. And my sometimes running partner was unable to come along today. Also, my MP3 players all simultaneously weren't working today. So not only was I facing the longest distance yet, but I was going it without my familiar comforts and aids that help make it happen.
So, I shamelessly went over to my neighbor's house and asked for some prayer, y'all. Okay, because I just don't feel like one of these natural runners. And honestly I can feel a bit whimpy with big challenges. Then I called my friend, Ingrid, with the hopes she would pray for me, too. Both of these dear women did pray for me. Then I felt better and hit the road to do some running.
Though the first two miles were a bit rocky, I kept thinking of the words of the prayers of my two friends. And their words gave me the peace to keep running. And I was wide open to hear God's voice without the distraction of my IPOD or another runner. And though He didn't speak a whole lot, He imparted His presence to me. He let me know He was right there, running with me. And I'd say for a few of those miles today, He carried me right through them. And I crossed today's finish line having run the whole way- by His grace and power at work within me.
So, today in the training, I learned about the need of the prayers of others in our lives. And I learned that sometimes that means we have to cross the fence to our neighbors and ask for it. But God moves through the prayers of His people, and I have always found comfort and strength in that.
So, 8 miles down... 5 more to go!
Okay, friends, time for a little plug. I'm now 2/3 of the way through the training. One more month to go. So far, $710.00 has been raised for this mission. And that was raised by 3 people.
My unofficial goal for this run, if I imagine one, is to raise $1500.00 for Mike and Susie through my running. So, I'm almost halfway there. Which is where you come in. I seriously don't want to get to the end of this and feel like I could have done more for more people to give to bless the jungle people. My friend Phillip sent me a letter this week telling me that just about 10000 people were served by Amazon Medical Missions last year. Over 600 of them accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. 600 more people who will walk the streets of heaven with you and with me! What if there are more out there, more just waiting to be liberated and know how deeply they are loved by a God above? I know there are more. I have met them. So, let's join together and sow a harvest that will reap eternal benefits. It's not like the money we fork out every day for things that disappear in an instant- this giving will have an impact for all of time.
So, if you've been feeling led to give, go ahead, we have one more month to go!
Beth! I was so excited to find your blog. You are doing such an amazing thing helping out this ministry and also for yourself! Your last post really struck me in the heart. 8 miles, I can't imagine... I am one week into my training for a half Marathon, so your words are encouraging and a complete blessing to read. Good luck as you come down to the end of your training. I definitely feel like I can only do this with the help of God!
I was so glad to read that you ran even when you didn't want to - that's the biggest sign that you have crossed over to becoming "a runner" - Beth, congratulations! training in itself is a BIG accomplishment - one step at a time! I'm so proud of you and praying for you, my dear friend! Love, Cristina
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