Sunday, September 28, 2008

Training Week 1: Complete

Amount raised for Amazon Medical Missions so far: $690.00
(Keep giving, friends, I want to bless the socks off of Mike and Suzy!!)

I just finished Week 1 of the official half marathon training. I've been in some pre-training for about 4 weeks now to get my body ready. God is so good, I feel like there are a million things I could tell you about all I'm learning with the running.

My favorite one: Today was the first long run. Each week for training, throughout the week you do a series of run days, rest days, cross train days, and on Sundays you run longer than you have before. This Sunday was 4 miles, then it will be 5, 6, all the way up to 10. With today being my first long day, I wanted to go to my favorite spot to run: a park nearby with a beautiful lake and tall cedars all around the trail to surround you. My friend, Ingrid, came along with her dog, Nya. Nya wasn't behaving very well, so for awhile I ran on my own. As I ran mile 3 and realized that my body felt so strong and so good, I really just wanted to drop to my knees. Because I remembered just last summer running close to three miles would end in my hands shaking like crazy, my mind reeling, and my body screaming for some sugar. Not this time. It kept going, healed and whole. I wanted to just drop to my knees on that trail and give God the glory. Sometimes I walk through daily life forgetting my body is a testimony of a living, breathing miracle. Today I remembered and all of me cried out to give Him the glory.

The training is teaching me alot. This week, mainly about perseverance. There have been those days where I've thought I couldn't run all the way to the target mileage. I told myself each time to run a little farther than from where I wanted to stop. Then I'd run a little further, and a little further, until... I'd make the goal. And at the end I was always glad, I kept running. It felt so good. And with the training I'm learning that every victory past the "I really don't want to be running right now" mindset, makes the next time a little easier. God is teaching me about pressing on, past when you want to.

There are so many parallels to this running compared to life. Maybe God has called us all to run marathons. He calls us to a finish line that at times seems unattainable but at other times is calling our names and pushing us to keep going. My training schedule calls for days of rest and periods of running less. But always the goal is to condition your body to go farther and to push past limits you thought you couldn't- with the end goal of making it to the finish line.

When I think about my walk with God, it seems there are plenty of those long-mileage seasons- where it's difficult, and He's pruning and refining me, often through difficulty and challenge. And then come the restful seasons where I delight in Him and life is set on coast. But always, there is a finish line in the distance.

I'm learning alot. Mostly, though, I am amazed every day I get out there and run by the healing work God has done in my body. It makes me want to run strong for Him. And tell you all about how He is alive and He is working and He does the unthinkable. If you don't know Him, lean in a little farther. All of His power is big enough for your unbelief and your hard places. And He is gentle and lacking in condemnation but full of love.

Thanks for supporting me, guys. Keep me in your prayers, as there's still a long way to go! Be blessed, today!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Through the Winds!

There is a hurricane in Texas today.

The storm surge is supposed to be hitting the area where I live any time now. Wal-Mart was congested the last few days, gas pumps had mile long lines, and everyone is in for cover to their homes, not getting out as much as possible.

My roommate, Fran, just came in to my room. She said, "You know, it's amazing." She opened up my blinds and said, "Look. There are crazy winds out there, stuff's getting blown around and the rain is coming down, and we're just safe and sound in our house. I was just thinking, thank you, Lord for the safety and shelter of this house. I'm just vacuuming and the storm is not touching me. It makes me think of Paul in Acts when he said, 'All this-- it doesn't move me. Who I am in Christ is not moved by all this on the outside.'"

A few months ago, I was reading through Psalm 16, taking it verse by verse. Verse 1 says, "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge." I prayed and spent some time on this verse. I asked God what that really was to look like in our lives. I received the following image in response to my prayer:
I was inside a tent, which was sitting outside somewhere. I had a lantern in the tent which I was holding up over myself, as I was tucked in my sleeping bag, poring over the Word of God in my Bible. Outside all around my tent were fires raging around me- widespread, tall fires. But in my tent I was safe, the fires weren't touching me, and I was existing safely and warmly there, reading God's Word.

It was such a powerful image to me. That though storms and fires and difficulties rage all around us everyday, if we remain in Him, seeking after the Word of God, these momentary sufferings can't touch us. The storms can blow all around us, and we can be safe.

Training for my half marathon officially starts next week. I've been pre-training the last three weeks, though, to get my body ready for the next 12 weeks. Some days have been harder than others. What God is impressing on me most recently is the importance of leaning into His Word, while earnestly praying and seeking Him. As I continue the training for this run, taking things a day at a time, I want my mind and inner man during the outer physical struggles to be like that tent in the midst of the fires- safe, secure, steadfast, and unshakeable. Because I want to keep running this race!

"I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got.... I'm staying alert and in top condition."
1 Corinthians 9:26 (The Message)

I hope this finds you blessed friends- and diving into the shelter of God's Word!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Check Back

The first post below details why I am setting out to run this race. Please check back periodically for updates, inspirational quotes/stories of others, and anytime you feel the urge to send some encouragement- well you can always comment below each post and add that as well! I have a feeling I may need it along the way! And I'll post updates along the way of how much $$ is being raised on behalf of AMM.

Click "here" to link to a post I wrote last year on my other blog about my roommates running the whole marathon (God Bless 'Em!) last year in Dallas!

Why I Am Running

Well, friends, with the creation of this blog, this makes it all the more final. No backing out now!

After some consideration- and an honest to goodness fight overcoming some fear- I have decided to run the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon on December 14, 2008. There are several reasons I want to do this. In a nutshell: God healed my body of something I had thought I'd have to live with my whole life. I love Mike and Suzy Dempsey and believe with my whole heart in the work they are doing for the people who live along the mighty Amazon River in Peru. And I love Jesus. As times are getting fierce, I want to strengthen my inner man to be able to continue to stand for Him and to give Him honor with my strengthened body.

In August 2008, I travelled with Teen Mania to Tijuana, Mexico. I was one of two nurses on the trip, there to provide medical care to the over 800 people from the United States who went on the trip to build houses for the people of Tijuana and share the love of Jesus with the people in so doing. It was an amazing trip. I saw God move in ways that stunned me silent and had me recollecting Jesus's ways in the New Testament of healing diseases, setting captives free, and releasing people from darkness and oppression. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father" (John 14:12).

We saw amazing things happen that week in Tijuna that forever altered my faith and belief in the now-present power of Jesus. But by the end of that week I became sick and very ill. The last two days of the trip were not so fun. Fran, the other nurse on my team, and Rob Graham, a paramedic on the trip prayed for me strongly. I remember Fran especially, spending concentrated times in prayer over me, and proclaiming during one of those times as she touched my body that, "All would be well in Beth, all disease must flee, in Jesus's name." You can read my healing story "here."

My excuse for not running marathons or half marathons was always my hypoglycemia. Now the excuse was gone. Still I didn't feel a need or desire to run that great of a distance- I'd always thought perhaps those people were living on a fringe that I just didn't need to be a part of. But something pulled at me when more of my friends were contemplating running this year's marathon. Something pulled at me and said, "What if?"

I have struggled with fear a great deal in my life. It has held me back one too many times. And living in a world where fighting evil seems to become a little more commonplace every day, I desire to strengthen my spirit and be able to stand for Jesus against our fierce and relentless enemy- the one who so often tries to steal, kill, and destroy. I want to gird myself up and strengthen my fighting man.

Last- what made this finally not so much about me and created a living, fire-breathing purpose within me was thinking about Mike and Suzy Dempsey. Mike and Suzy live in Peru. They used to live in the United States doing regular jobs like you and me. Then, God called them to Peru- to tell His people there about how He loves them and to use Mike and Suzy's knowledge and talents to provide for the people's basic medical, educational, and economic needs. Mike and Suzy packed it up, went to Peru, and never turned back. They wage a daily battle furthering the work of the kingdom. I have gone to the Amazon for the last two years and been fortunate to be a small part of that work. I believe in it and them with my whole heart. And since I left Mike and Suzy this last May, I've been trying to figure out a way to bless them.

***SO, HERE IT IS***: I'm running 13 miles one morning come December. You can help me, and thereby really help Mike, and Suzy. You can pledge a dollar amount per mile as you desire, with the knowledge that every dollar raised goes straight to Amazon Medical Missions, the organization the Dempseys started. You can pledge $1 a mile, 5$, 10$. Whatever is on your heart.

And I will run the race. I will run for Jesus. I will run for glory and in HIs amazing power that went all the way to the grave, to death and back for you and for me. In the power that healed a once broken body and has now set it free.

It won't be easy. I'll need your encouragement and your support. But I can't help and imagine on the days I won't want to go out and run, the days that every step feels like a struggle- that Mike and Suzy are waking up, putting their feet in front of them, and continuing to go forth with everything they have for a love that is worth it.

Will you help me, friends? Will you give to their great work and help me run for the kingdom? I hope so! I really want to share it with you! Please, please, please keep my running in your prayers- as well as the work in the Amazon.

God Bless---

Run for Life!!!
