Saturday, November 29, 2008

Week 9: Training Complete (And a Mighty Lesson Learned)

Well, this is a little late, but...

Amount raised for Amazon Medical Missions so far: $710.00.

Week 9 of training finished smoothly. This week marked actually a 3 month training mark, as I trained some weeks prior to actually starting week 1 of this training program. 3 months of running day after day left me this week, well.... less than enthusiastic to get back on the treadmill for another day. So, in the name of fortitude and being able to last to the finish, I declared a bit of a treadmill Sabbath.

The good news is that right when I was experiencing feelings of runner's burnout, there was a break in the training schedule this week. The schedule advised running a 10K race this week, and, therefore, allowed for a few more rest days than usual and a shorter distance on my long run day. God's so good like that. So, I actually only missed one day of training, but it was a much needed running sabbatical to finish this thing out strong and make it to the finish line.

And the break proved fruitful. I ran really well on the long run day and was actually looking forward to getting back out there and feeling my feet hit the pavement.

Rest is ESSENTIAL along our journeys. Of life, of faith, and along missions of purpose. It's so easy for the driven-nature of me to forget this. I actually only took the days off after much encouragement from some dear friends and reassurance it would be okay. "God, you know I'd go all the way for you (even if it kills me).." I realized while I ran at the park this week that the root of all this is a God-pleasing spirit. Much like a people-pleasing one. I find myself so often eager to please God that it can be at times unhealthy. God used this week of training to reveal this to me and teach me a better way. I can't please God. I can't do enough right to be in right standing and have Him smile upon me. He just does and that's what grace is. I've been holding such a wrong spirit about me for so long. It was so good to finally cast it out and throw it off in the middle of my long run day this week.

"It is the same today, for a few of the people of Israel have remained faithful because of God’s grace—his undeserved kindness in choosing them. And since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is—free and undeserved." Romans 11:5.

Reading this passage this week drove my running lesson home to my heart. It is by grace we are saved. It's funny how I still have to peel those layers of legalism and rejection off to really wrap my heart around that truth.

But here's the hope, friends. We are God's. I am His daughter. So, even when I stumble and believe falsehoods and even walk in them for awhile, He will ALWAYS be faithful to steer me back aright. He will always correct the lies to fashion within me the truth, the truth that transforms and breathes hope.

So, I'm really grateful God called my heart to rest this week. And in so doing, He cast down a stronghold!

Run for Life friends! And don't forget to take sabbaticals along the way...

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