Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 5: Training Complete

Amount raised for Amazon Medical Missions so far: $690.00

This week ended with a training mark of 6 miles. I ran the 6 miles today, and it couldn't have been a more beautiful run, as well as it held a few surprises (the biggest one being I actually ran 6 whole miles).

I went to where I usually go for my long runs, but this time I ran the opposite way than what I usually do. I couldn't get over the beauty I'd been missing running in this direction. The light was more beautiful, the angles on the lake and with the cedars were more picturesque, and it made for a more joyful run.

Y'all, my body just ran 6 miles. (Let me clear my throat, now). My body just ran 6 miles. Without stopping.

This would have been impossible not too long ago. I hadn't eaten lunch either when I started running at 6:00pm. I've learned I run better on an empty stomach, so I lightly snack the meal before big run day and then load up after the run on carbs and protein. So that whole skipping a meal thing, too, before my healing, would have been impossible.

"There was no medicine and there was no doctor."

I was healed by God y'all. I don't know how. I imagined today as I ran Lap 4 that perhaps He just spoke the Word. And my body was released from a sickness that bound me for ten years. Now, it runs free. And as a nurse who looks out at sick people all day looking for a miracle, I'm not sure why I'm one of the lucky ones.

To say I wasn't much excited about lapping the same course six times today is a bit of an understatement. I was not at all excited about lapping the same course 6 times today. But when I got there, and that light and that lake were just so beautiful, something in me got a little stronger. And then while I was running, I looked down, and something really surprising had occurred.

Today someone had written in chalk the following words along the paved path I run on Sundays:



(the number of miles I had to run today).

"Don't Give Up."

"Act Silly."



Nope. I'm not even kidding. I figured out it appeared to all be for some scavenger hunt that had taken place there, but it blessed this girl's socks off.

So, with those words, the light, and the awe-inspiring nature coupled with the awe-inspiring miracle called my body, I ran those 6 miles with some glory today, friends. I wish you could have been there. After Mile 4, I could just feel Jesus get excited and celebrate with me. He knew I pushed farther today than I ever have, and He wanted to glorify the Father just as much as I did.

6 Miles.

In a healed and whole body.

7 more to go...

Praise God I have a healed and whole body. I want everyone to know---

My God Lives!

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